Valencia Bridgeport

Santa Clarita, CA

There are 9 distinct home clusters in Bridgeport Homes Valencia, CA, such as:
Cabot Bay - 2 and 3 bedroom tri-level homes.
Back Bay - 2 story 4 bedroom homes.
Spinnaker Pointe - 2 and 3 bedroom condominiums.
The Colony - 2 story 3 bedroom homes.
Stoney Pointe 2 story detached 3-4 BR condos and homes.
The Cove - 2 story 3 and 4 BR homes.
The Island - 2 story 3 and 4 BR homes.
The Landing - 2 story 3 and 4 BR homes.
Waterford - tri-level 3 bedroom town homes.
Get notified when an exclusive WATERFRONT property in Bridgeport Valencia goes on the market.It seemed like most of Valencia's home tracts were all built out, and that everything that could be built, was built. Then, at about the turn of the century, they made room for something different than anything else in Santa Clarita: A small man-made lake with cozy inlets mimics an eastern seaport village, right in the midst of the very dry Santa Clarita valley.The lifestyle is clearly different here, with walkers/joggers constantly taking advantage of their serene and gorgeous surroundings.Not all Bridgeport Valencia homes are lakefront properties, and those that are, go at an even higher premium. Both town homes and single family homes are clustered into this development, that also has an enormous park, great walking paths and newer elementary school.A similarly themed shopping center on Newhall Ranch Road across the street completes the neighborhood. This area is small on the map, but interesting in how well it is executed. Home prices there are higher than they would've been without the peaceful 'lakeside' settings.**Sign up to be notified when a VALENCIA BRIDGEPORT WATERFRONT home goes on the market. **Bridgeport Elementary (API 926-Score-Excellent) is located within walking distance for elementary school kids. Students will eventually flow to Valencia High School.Bridgeport features resort-like amenities like a private Lake Club with a swimming pool, spa, paddle boats on the lake, barbecues, a spacious clubhouse and much more.... The price per square foot for these homes is rivaled only by the neighborhoods of West Ranch, Sand Canyon and Stevenson Ranch. Pricy, but likely worth every penny.

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Valencia Bridgeport Stats

Bridgeport is comprised of 8 separate villages in the heart of Valencia.Learn all about them with a phone call to Chris. For now, enjoy the facts and figures.
TOP STAT: Are homes selling above (103%) At asking (100%) or below asking? (97%)..
BOTTOM STAT: Median Price By Home Type.

The Colonies

Aenean ornare velit lacus, ac varius enim ullam

The waterfront homes at Bridgeport Valencia are fed by mini waterfalls to churn the water and eliminate pests.
The waterfront homes at Bridgeport Valencia are fed by mini waterfalls to churn the water and eliminate pests.


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